Prescott Stanke - Founder of The New AgeI was a 16 year old highschool student when this company started. I had almost failed out my freshman year. After a period of depression and lack of motivation my basketball coach gave me a bracelet E+R=O. Events plus your reaction equals your outcome and the only thing you can control in life is your reaction. This new mindset had helped me completely turn my life around. I released that people were going through similar difficulties but they were stuck with no hope. I wanted to create the same hope I was given for people in need. The clothing company was created to bring a message in apparel. The clothing line would serve as a reminder for people that want to change or are pursuing change for the better. Instead of a sticky note on your desk, a sharpie on your mirror, or a motivational quote on your phone. People will now be able to wear clothes to remind themselves of their perusal of great change. The New Age will continue to pursue greatness and hopefully bring people on the journey with us.